The Makeup Challenge!

A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to get away as a family. It was great, just what we needed. We are totally lucky to have family with an apartment in Hervey Bay, Qld. It is only a 4 hour drive from here (Hence that last post about keeping kids happy in the car).

The apartment is part of luxury hotel complex called Oceans Resort and Spa. Every time we go I always feel we are lowering it’s star rating by at leat 3, ha ha.  For this trip I got some ideas from pinterest of how to be that “glam mum”. Lately I have been a bit sick of the shorts and t-shirt uniform I wear. We all make sure we have everyone else in the family sorted and sometimes we go with out… am I right mums? So this time I wanted to make sure I had nice clothes to wear to dinner, I even pushed the boat out and painted my nails.

Pinerest is a fountain of knowledge for different styles, outfits and makeup.

Now, I set off to Pintetrest for some outfit advice, I was looking at what I already had that I could pair with different things. Some great ideas. HOWEVER, I was sucked in to the makeup posts that came up. I am what I like to call a makeup collector, I never use it much, but when it is in the shop and looks all sparkly, I need to have it. Silly I know. So, while on Pinterest I saw  few posts about doing natural makeup… after a night of interupted sleep, with bags under the bags under my eyes, I got my war paint out and though, heck I can give this a go! At 36 years of age I decided to have a play. It was fun but maybe I should have actually practiced at home and not while on holiday…. Always leaving things till the last min.

Now the post that sucked me in was Bare Beach Look Tutorial

She keeps things very simple and really made me think I can do this. So I gave it shot and this is how it went down….

Thinking it was a bit of fail but that is mainly because I really should check the colour of the tinted moisturiser, and I probably needed better light.

So this one was a FAIL! Thankful for the big hat and glasses.

Pinterest: 2
Wannabepinterestmum: 2

Stay Safe



Pinterest Car Journey NAIL!

We are in the middle of school holidays here in Brisbane, Australia. Our first school holidays ever. Yep we made it through the first term of the first year of MJ’s schooling. Yay us.

I think we might have set the bar a bit too high for school holiday getaways. What is it with always peaking too soon?  We spent 4 nights in Hervey Bay QLD’s Oceans Resort and Spa. It was fab. Hervey Bay is a beautiful part of the world. We swam, we relaxed and we spent some quality time as a family together. Then the icing on the cake… We stopped in at Tin Can Bay and fed the wild dolphins on the way home.

I think the next holidays MJ will be disappointed when we have nothing planned.

Anyway…  I digress. This week’s nail or fail comes from having to be trapped on a car with a 5 year old on the journey from Brisbane to Hervey Bay. It is only a 3 1/2 hour trip but I wanted to keep my hair and sanity in tact… and I didn’t want use the iPad, that is for journeys over 6hours (well that is what we tell ourselves).

So I took to Pinterest the day before we left to see what I could find for surviving car journeys. There are a bunch of fab ideas on there and, had I been more organized, I could have done so much more, but I wasn’t… so last min things were what I needed.
U – Create crafts had some great printable games which I printed out.

They would have been better in colour, but as I said, I left everything till the last minute.

When it came to the rainbow car game I got MJ to colour in the car that she saw.

The ABC roadtrip game was a  HUGE hit. It kept her amused for ages and was one we all ended up playing together. Definately worth a try on your next journey. This is the sheet all finished.


Another Pinterest idea was to get an audio series to listen to. Thankfully at work we have a CD library so I borrowed Adventures in Odssey. I wasn’t sure MJ would be in to an audio drama, but that was also a hit, and hubby and I also got into it when it was on.

So we had games and an audio series to listen to… must be set now! With one final glimpse over Pinterest I found that ideally we should be storing all the things needed to keep MJ amused somewhere she could reach them… so literally in the final minutes before we left I threw everything in a bag, and put it on the back seat next to her booster seat.

Snacks – check
Drink Bottle – check
Drawing goodies – check
Car games – check
Audio series – check

It came together brilliantly! Her being able to reach everything was AWESOME!

Most of all it kept my hair in tact and sanity (somewhat) normal.

I make that a NAIL! Think what could have been achieved had I not left to it till the last minute, but that is why I am only a wannabepinterestmum 😘

Have fun!


Pinterest: 1
wannabepinterestmum: 2

Our New Easter Tradition

In the lead up to Easter this year we have been trying to think of some Easter traditions our family can do to get away from bunnies and eggs. Don’t get me wrong we will still have an egg hunt, but with little miss now being five, we want to start something a little more significant that she might carry on.

I pinned these ressurection rolls a while ago, and given it’s Easter I thought I would give them a go.

They are something you can make with the kids and I don’t think even I can stuff them up

So here’s what you need. I got the recipe from coffeewithus3.

• Pastry (I am going to buy mine but if you want to be a next level Pinterest mum then you could make it)

• 8 Marshmallows

• 2 Tbsp. of Butter

• 1 Tbsp. Cinnamon

• 2 Tbsp. Sugar

• Muffin tin


Get everything out and pre heat oven to 375 degrees

Now you need to mix sugar and cinnamon in the bowl together

Melt butter in another bowl

Cut your pastry into triangles


Now it gets a bit messy and us OCD mums might need to take a deep breath…

Get the little ones to dip the marshmellow in Butter then in the sugar and cinnamon mix.

Then they wrap the marshmellow in the pastry triangle. Do this a few times until you have used up the pastry.

You can then place them on the greased tray. Putting them seam down is best.

When do this if you have older kids you can mention these butter and cinnamon spice represents the ladies preparing Jesus body before he was placed in the tomb.

Then put them in the oven for 10-12 mins.

While they are baking read the Easter story together and chat about what Easter really means.

In no time the timer will ping and they will be ready.

Get them out of the oven and let them cool for a bit. You can sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon over the top of them.

Once they have cooled, chop them open so the kids can see inside. They will see the roll “tomb” is bare just like the tomb was on the third day. I think this is best thing! The marshmellow has melted away and left a space where it used to be. Just like Jesus rising and leaving a space in the tomb.

My little miss and I made them. It was great she really enjoyed it. I NAILED the first batch.

But then I might have got a bit cocky and the next batch burnt.


So maybe I will put this down as

1 Nail and 1 Fail

Would love to hear if you try them.


This is Me

My name is Becci. I’m not much of a Pinterest mum, though I try very hard. I am a wife who has a few issues with keeping the home –  A Stepford wife I am not. Thankfully my hubby is great!

On a good day I am a great mum. On a bad day a terrible mum and totally beat myself up about that. Add in working pretty much full time and that  throws in a whole another thing to juggle. Just as well I love my job. (Check out Rise and Shine on

I am a tad overweight and try soooo hard to get myself healthy and make all those yummy healthy things for my family.

I enjoy interior design but I don’t have a crafty bone in my body. Though I would love to be able to make things to spruce up our home.

I love fashion, travel and one day if I ever get 5 mins, I will sit and read a book again!
If I am lucky I get a few mins on Pinterest pinning stuff I like and droolling over lovely things. I always think when I finally Nail being a Pinterest mum the stars will align and world peace will be reached, I will only ever have good mum days, I will be healthy and will be able to whizz up amazing meals for family and decorate my house with all the crafty things I made and life will be fab… All when that Pinterest Nail is achieved!
That might not be case but let’s have some fun trying.